
What I might look like.


Fireworks · 煙花 · 放煙花嗎 ·Want to set off fireworks?

Hey, anybody? · 嗨 有人麼

A cocoon · · 我回到了出生時的繭 皮膚透著死亡的灰白 裂開的繭內 有著母親體內的溫度 停止呼吸的肺 無力垂落的四隻 期待著復活的心臟 · I'm back in the cocoon I was born in, my skin grey with death, my cocoon cracked with the warmth of my mother's body, my lungs that have stopped breathing, my four limbs hanging limply, my heart waiting to be resurrected

Bow Tie · 蝴蝶結

Escape · 逃離 · 讓我獨自一人 · Just leave me alone

Pierce the balloon · 刺探 · 我的快樂如此脆弱 · My happiness is so weak

Nice to be here · 很高興出現在這裡

Stitching · 裂口