Bed · 床

  • A thorn · 刺

  • Ball · 球

    我幾乎忘卻 我也是如此的敏感

    I almost forgot, I am such a sensitive person

  • Metamorphosis · 變形記



    ——卡夫卡 《變形記》

    One morning, Gregor Samusha awoke from a disturbing dream to find himself lying in bed transformed into a giant beetle.

    Falling backwards, I felt as if I had been rescued, and it drowned irretrievably in the pool of my blood that filled all the puddles and overflowed all the banks.

    by Kafka, from The Transfiguration

  • Black · 黑


It's only me.


Lacrimal gland · 淚腺

Dance · 舞蹈

轉吶 轉吶

I don't know what I'm doing.

  • Eat the moon · 吃掉月亮

    吃吧 吃掉就好

    Eat it. Just eat it

  • Burning · 燃燒

    媽媽 我的房子著火了

    Mom, my house is burning

No Man's Land · 謎境 · 我來到一片天地 我一無所知 我一無所有 · I've come to a place where I know nothing, where I have nothing.

Fish's Dream · 魚之夢

Run · 跑

Lipstick · 紅腹

The Three Sisters · 三相

Fume · 煙塵

Come and go · 來去兮

Fairy ·

Prayer · 祈願 · 喂 妳好…… · Hello it's me

Firework Dreams · 煙花夢 · 去年做的一個夢 · A dream I had last year

Aquarius · 寶瓶 · 似是甘露 · Shed nectar

Butterfly ·

Dream Horse · 旋轉木馬 · 一切是如此盲目的絢麗奪目 · Everything is new Everything is beautiful Everything is perfect Everything is blind

Lollipop · 棒棒糖 · 如此新奇的口味 · No one knows what a lollipop tastes like