
The world is not always in colour.


Flower · 花

Shrimp · 蝦 · 去頭可食用 · Head Removed and Edible

Half-tiger · 雌虎

Eat · 吃 · 一點一點 吞入腹中 皆可圓滿 · Little by little, I swallow it, and I am all set

Yeah, you tell me · 嗯 你說

Starry Nights · 星夜

Gazing · 凝視 · 我在看向何方 看著何物 何人 遠方 自己 看向画外 · I'm looking away, I'm looking at something, I'm looking at someone, I'm looking away, I'm looking at myself, I'm looking out of the picture.

Bus · 巴士 · 我的世界 帶我去向哪裡 · My world, where is it taking me?